Major Task Confronting PCEC
The PCEC, partnering with the Pamunkey Baptist Association (PBA) is tasked with renovating the PBA building, a historical landmark, to its original configuration following recommendations outlined in the Q-Design architectural review. The work will maintain and or restore the historic integrity of the building’s interior and exterior as much as possible while adhering to county building codes. Further goals include upgrading the kitchen/pantry, providing office space and seven classrooms, and upgrading mechanical/plumbing/electrical systems.
Due to the scope and cost of the project, the PCEC Board of Directors recommend that the renovation be completed in three phases: 1) Phase 1 – Face-lift; Phase 2 – Nuts and Bolts; Phase 3 – The Trim. Detailed specifications from the Q-Design Architectural Review and details provided By Benjamin T. Kenney & Sons, Inc. (Class A Contractor) were used to develop the phases.
Phase 1 – Face-lift … Estimated Cost $150,000. Work in Phase 1 will primarily include modifications to the building’s exterior with minor work to the yards and grounds. Exterior work includes refurbishing existing roof and restoring exterior windows to their original Rosenwald design. Due to the urgency and needed repairs of rest rooms, phase 1 will include work to the men and women restroom. In addition, safety concerns require that the handicap ramp be repaired.
Phase 2 – Nuts and Bolts … Estimated Cost $250,000. Phase 2 work will include modifications to the building’s interior. Interior work to includes, refurbishing the auditorium, re-configuring classrooms to the Rosenwald design using the space to incorporate two offices and seven classrooms. Work will also include upgrades to kitchen/pantry and the HVAC install.
Phase 3 – The Trim … Estimated Cost $70,000. Phase 3 work to include the audio video equipment install; markers to identify the “Old Shop” building, basketball court, etc.; fire extinguishers; building security; Signage; completion of yards and grounds work.
Fund raising plans are underway. The plans will be posted when completed.
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